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The placement must be positive, memorable, recognizable, seen by a large audience, and influential about a particular brand, and a natural part of the story. That combination is a high bar to cross.
Apple’s first formal Product Placement Program started in the late 1980’s. Since its inception, it has never paid fees for inclusion in any Film or TV Series.
There are many advantages that Product Placement has over other forms of Marketing. However, one advantage sticks out about the others.
Product Placement is the only form of marketing that runs forever.
Product Placement is a marketing technique where inclusions and/or references to specific brands or products are incorporated into another work, such as a film or television program.
Prop Placement refers to the rent-free supply of products to production companies or studios. The brand supplying the products cover the cost of the product supply and delivery to the production sets.
At the end of every (or most) Brooklyn Nine-Nine episodes there is a "Promotional Consideration Furnished by Apple" message shown during the credits.
Does that mean that Apple pays for the product placement in the series? Or do they supply the products used as props (mobile phones, laptops, etc)? Is there a difference in the way to disclaim that?
While Product Placement Companies would like Clients to think so, Product Placement does not result in hoards of people going out to buy products minutes after it was seen in one set in one movie.
Using data on nearly 3,000 product placements for 99 brands from the fall 2015 television season, the authors find that prominent product placement activities—especially verbal placements—are associated with increases in both online conversations and web traffic for the brand, with some evidence of decreasing returns at high levels of prominence.
Eclipse Worldwide Specializes and Leads the Industry in Organic, Fee-Free Product Integration in Television and Film Productions. It has placed over 170,000 Products seen in over 30,000 Episodes, with a value of over 10 Billion Dollars, reaching over 100 Billion viewers for its’ clients. Eclipse never pays fees to productions, agencies, actors or studios.
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