Building ROI in your Brand is critical to maintain high margins, and survive through difficult economic times. Product Placement is a fabulous way to Build Brand Excitement and reach millions in your target market market, for a fraction of what it would cost using other methods.
More than ever, every marketing dollar must build ROI in your brand. Traditional marketing can be costly and ineffective. Product Placement changes the equation.
Each report describes where products have been placed, stills of what has aired, and the equivalent media value and reach of those airings.
Whether it's fashion, tech or music, viewers seek more info about what they see on TV. This a proven ROI that drives web traffic and increases sales.
When customers see their favorite actors using your products, they feel empowered. This builds long-term brand loyalty, excitement and life-long customers.
There are often opportunities for billboards, posters, shopping bags, POS displays, and even trade show booths. to showcase your brand.
Unlike traditional advertising, placements live forever in syndication, on-demand, re-runs and streaming media.
Show your distributors the great coverage you are achieving through your Product Placement Program. Encourage them to carry your product based on the millions of people that might be asking for it!
The effectiveness of product placement in building ROI can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, it capitalizes on the audience's engagement with the content. When a viewer is invested in a movie or a show, the products featured within it benefit from the positive associations created by this engagement. This leads to higher recall and brand recognition, thereby influencing consumer behavior. Secondly, product placement allows brands to target specific demographics closely aligned with the media's audience, ensuring more efficient use of marketing budgets. For instance, a tech product placed in a sci-fi movie naturally appeals to tech-savvy viewers. Lastly, in the age of ad-blockers and declining traditional TV viewership, product placement offers a more organic way to reach consumers, enhancing ROI by circumventing the challenges faced by traditional advertising methods.
Eclipse Worldwide Specializes and Leads the Industry in Organic, Fee-Free Product Integration in Television and Film Productions. It has placed over 170,000 Products seen in over 30,000 Episodes, with a value of over 10 Billion Dollars, reaching over 100 Billion viewers for its’ clients. Eclipse never pays fees to productions, agencies, actors or studios.
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