Although the most common thing people hear of when they think of “Product Placement” is the placement of a physical product, the most ubiquitous and profitable “product” placements aren’t products at all. Many of them are well-placed logos or packaging that catch the viewer’s eye, and many of them benefit from sets that don’t readily come to mind.
When people remember sitcom sets, for example, they often think of scenes set at home – despite how often scenes occur in other contexts, like the coffee shop from “Friends” or the comic book store on “The Big Bang Theory.” This is where “asset” placements come in; such as retail scenes where an entire display is of a single brands packaging. Although those scenes aren’t necessarily iconic, they very often last far longer on screen with a company’s brand prominently displayed directly behind the actors.
This combination allows viewers to remain in the story while simultaneously asking them to take note of the product in question. Although retail is the obvious context for this type of placement, scenes featuring asset displays range from department stores, specialty stores, and trade shows, to banner ads and billboards in buses and airports.
“Superstore” (or any other show set in retail venues) is an obvious example of a set heavily featuring non-product brand assets like packaging and logos. “Silicon Valley” had an entire episode set inside a trade show featuring full booth displays from multiple brands.
The ability to plan for and utilize these opportunities sets apart paid, product-only placements (which are often obvious and off-putting,) from natural, integrated Product Placements.
Eclipse Worldwide specializes in and leads the industry in Organic, Fee-Free Product Placement in Television and Film Productions. Founded in 1997, it has placed over 170,000 Products seen in over 30,000 Episodes, with a value of over 10 Billion Dollars, reaching over 100 Billion Viewers for its clients, all without paying fees